We offer the Qr6 with a galvanised tilt down mast as standard however many clients choose masts to be painted in white to complement the white turbine, alternatively, as was the case for this client we are able to colour…
we have been updating our website quietrevolution.com. It is now mobile friendly and we will be adding more information about our qr6 wind turbine over the next few days
what’s been happening at VWT Power Ltd
After acquiring the assets of qr-quiet revolution (in administration) we moved our manufacturing facility from Pembroke Dock to new premises in St Ives Cambridgeshire. We are working on the products and services we currently offer and those we will be…

Quiet Revolution vawt at RWE Stadium Essen
Home of Rot-Weiss Essen Football Club The new 20,000 capacity stadium complies with the specifications of the German Soccer League – the Bundesliga. Elegant as ever in its surroundings 2 qr Vertical Axis Wind Turbines were installed in June…
qr5 vertical axis wind Turbines at “full throttle”
Video from sea front Cleveleys Wyre Council
The management has been strengthened by the appointment of Matthew Kember of Anglia Circuits Ltd. This enhances the technical and commercial aspects of the Company.
Coming soon the new qr6
The next generation of qr turbines. more details
quietrevolution.com and vwtpower.com
We are currently updating our website www.quietrevolution.com. Please have a look at the website as it is already a fantastic site for information on our products but we are giving it a small makeover to ensure it is user friendly. Also…

qr power generation by day and lighting by night
combining power generation with lighting
reinstalling qr turbines
Reinstalling qr turbines for Wyre Council. See photos below turbines unloaded from trailer and ready to install. mast being lifted off trailer. turbine fitted to mast. installation completed, only 3 to go ! …